Autism Part 2: An In-Depth Exploration of Autism

Autism Part 2: An In-Depth Exploration of Autism

  *This informative piece was written by our Board Member, Sylvan Pearlstein, an autistic person.  April is commonly called World Autism Awareness Month, but autistic self-advocates urge everyone to observe it as World Autism Acceptance Month. The general public...

Taking Steps Forward: An Interview with Maria Stepanyan

Taking Steps Forward: An Interview with Maria Stepanyan

We sat down and interviewed Maria Stepanyan, the Executive Director of the Center for People with Disabilities. In this insightful and touching interview, she shares her personal story of working with and living with a disability and the steps forward for disability...

Autism: Supporting People To Go From Limited To Limitless

Autism: Supporting People To Go From Limited To Limitless

    April is World Autism Awareness Month. Early this year, the CDC announced that one in 36 children is diagnosed with Autism. This is up from 1 in 44 children diagnosed in 2017. As the population of people with Autism is growing, it's important we...

Remembering Ed Milewski: A Champion of Independent Living

Remembering Ed Milewski: A Champion of Independent Living

    Center for People With Disabilities (CPWD) is sad to acknowledge the passing of Ed Milewski in February 2023. Ed became part of the CPWD family after we assisted him in transitioning out of nursing care to living independently in the community. Prior to...