Centers for Independent Living (CILSs) are unique disability service organizations born out of the Independent Living Movement. Unlike typical human services case management, which may “do for” an individual or dictate necessary tasks or activities, CILs strive...
Celebrating and Understanding the Roles of Assistive Animals
As society continues to recognize and embrace the unique bond between humans and animals, the roles that animals play in our lives have expanded beyond companionship. From guide dogs for people with visual impairment to therapy animals providing emotional...
The History of the Center for People with Disabilities
From its founding in 1977, CPWD has come a long way. Learn the history and growth of this impactful organization and where we see ourselves going in the future.
The History and Celebration of the Americans with Disabilities Act
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), enacted in 1990, is a landmark federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities and ensures access to public buildings, businesses, communications, transportation, and...
Living With Dual Sensory Loss and the Role of Support Service Providers
Dual sensory loss, often referred to as deafblindness, is a unique condition that affects individuals who experience significant impairments in both vision and hearing. Living with dual sensory loss means facing a range of physical, emotional, and social...
Breaking Barriers: Understanding Ableism and Embracing the Strengths of Sensory Loss
Last month we shared about mental health, current rates and statistics, and how mental health uniquely impacts people with disabilities. We are privileged to continue sharing expert, firsthand information from a board member and a community member about...
Understanding Autism with Meira and Sylvan
Autism is a largely misunderstood neurotype. Many people believe it is something that can be "fixed" through behavioral therapy or early intervention. But Autism is the way a person is and is inherent to their being. Sylvan Pearlstein and Meira Merz are both Autistic...
A Series Of New Bills: Victory for People with Disabilities in Colorado
We are pleased to announce that Colorado Lieutenant Governor Primavera signed a series of bills to promote accessibility including HB23-1296 Create Task Force Study Rights Persons Disabilities, HB23-1032 Remedies Persons With Disabilities, and HB23-1136...
May: Mental Health Awareness Month
The State of Mental Health in a Post-Pandemic Society In 1949, Congress declared May to be Mental Health Awareness Month, primarily because of the great number of WWII Veterans suffering from mental health issues. Over time, mental health awareness has sought...
Creating A More Equitable Society, Together
Intersectionality is a relatively new term, coined in 1989 by American civil rights advocate and leading scholar of critical race theory, Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw. Intersectionality is the recognition of how marginalized groups of social...
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