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Voting Information, Links and Resources
Are You Registered to Vote?
Click Here to Register to Vote
Here you can find resources to help with the following:
- Register to vote: Click Here To Register To Vote
- Check registration- check to make sure you are registered at your current address: Click Here To Check Your Voter Registration
- Research ballot- Inform your vote with knowledge about every candidate and referendum on the ballot: Click here to view Ballot Information
- Make a plan to Vote. If voting in person, Set a time, date, go to address: Click Here To Make A Plan
- Know your voting rights: Click Here To Learn More About Your Voting Rights
Important Voting Deadlines for Colorado
Registration deadlines
- Register in-person during early at a voting location: Oct 22 – Nov 5
- Register in-person at voting location on Election Day: Nov 5
- Register online anytime: By 7pm on Nov 5
- Register by mail: Must be received by Nov 5
Voting deadlines
- Early voting: varies by location
- Return ballot by mail (received by): Nov 5 by 7:00 p.m.
- Return ballot in person: Nov 5 by 7:00 p.m.
- Colorado starts sending ballots to all active registered voters: Oct 17
Can I Vote Early in Colorado?
- In Colorado, you can register to vote and vote in person up to 7 PM on Election Day
Secretary of State resources available: Click Here
Accessible Voting
Electronic ballot access
Voters with a disability can now vote an electronic ballot independently and privately from their own home or other location
How do I access my electronic ballot?
During the 22 days before and on election day you can access your electronic ballot or view your sample ballot at Once on the website you will be guided through a step by step process to vote and return your ballot.
How do I vote my electronic ballot?
During the 22 days before and on election day, the electronic ballot access website,, will guide you through the process of voting your ballot. Once you have voted your ballot, you must print the completed ballot, print the accessible ballot application provided, and then sign the accessible ballot application. All of these materials must be returned together. You may return your printed ballot materials in person to either a county drop-box or voter service and polling center or through the mail. Your ballot and application must be received no later than 7 PM on election day.
How do I make sure my registration is up to date?
To access your electronic ballot, your voter registration information must be up to date. Contact your county clerk or visit to verify your information if you have difficulty accessing your electronic ballot.
Voting In Person
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires VSPCs to meet minimum thresholds of compliance in order to serve the needs of every voter across the country and in Colorado.
VSPCs are required to create enough accessible parking on premises. Access isles are required to be at least 60 inches for cars and 96 inches for vans.
Accessible routes from car/van to polling place
VSPCs are required to have no protruding objects, have wide enough routes, and to use signage to direct voters to the polling location.
Voting Area
VSPCs are required to have accessible entry and exits, have a specific height for the voting machines, and have enough clearance when entering the voting area.
Temporary Remedies
If a VSPC is a location where full compliance is not entirely possible, then the VSPC can and must takes steps to remedy the issue. VSPCs may remedy a lack of accessible parking signs and parking spaces by having temporary accessible parking signs and by using traffic cones to mark accessible parking spaces. If a VSPC does not already have an accessible ramp to enter the polling location, then the VSPC may construct temporary portable ramps. In addition, a VSPC may have doors that are outdated and lack the current standards of the day. In order to remedy this, a VSPC may open the doors to make them accessible by inserting door stops, wedges, and other means of propping doors open for use.
Additional resources
ADA Checklist for Polling Places
Election day periodic accessibility checklist PDF | DOC
HAVA Complaint Form (PDF)
Election Complaint Form (PDF)
Voters with Disabilities<br/ > Voter Registration
Secretary of State, Election Division Contact Information
If you are having any trouble with the website or have any other questions regarding voting, please feel free to reach out to the Secretary of State-Election Division at:
(303) 894-2200 ext. 6343
(303) 869-4900 (fax)
[email protected]
Additionally, please feel free to reach out to your County Clerk with any registration issues or other related election issues.
Contact My County Clerk<br/ > SOS Website Accessibility Information
If you have any questions, or would like help with voting please send us an email to setup a one-on-one conversation to help answer all of your questions.
Boulder Colorado 80301