CPWD offers comprehensive training programs designed to provide you with the knowledge and tools needed to foster inclusivity and accessibility.

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Corporate / For-Profit Pricing

Nonprofit (501c3) Pricing

Available Trainings

Disability Etiquette 101

Understanding disability etiquette and accessibility, while exploring essential topics such as:


  • Ableism
  • ADA definitions
  • Person-first language
  • Accessibility of programs
  • Effective communication
  • Service animals.
Community Organizer for CPWD Craig Towler sits with a group of trainees from EFAA

Emergency Planning and Preparedness Basics for People with Disabilities

Serious doctor wearing white uniform with stethoscope consulting a patient with disabilities about checkup results, holding clipboard, giving prescription, sitting on couch, mature woman talking with physician

Basic ADA and Service Animal Overview

Man with disability with his service dog using electric wheelchair.

Social Security Benefits 101

Social Security Disability Benefits are shown on a business photo using the text

An Introduction to Independent Living Philosophy

People gathered around a table together during a peer group activity

The History of Disability Rights and Centers for Independent Living Self-Advocacy 101

Doug Brown and Gene Turitz, founders of Center for Independent Living’s Van Modification Shop, carrying the CIL banner at the Disabled Peoples’ Civil Rights Day March and Rally in San Francisco, Oct. 20, 1979. Credit: Ken Stein

Keeping the Roof Over Your Head – Self-advocacy training in service to tenant/landlord relations

A man who is a wheelchair user washes dishes in his home at a sink and counter space that is lower for accessibility.

Low Vision Specific Workshops

How Can I Help 

A workshop for family members and care providers who work with individuals with low-vision 

Options for Getting There

Exploring transportation options

Low-Vision Basics for Caregivers

Covers the basic causes of low-vision including a low-vision simulation exercise 

Introduction to Assistive Technology for Individuals with Low Vision

“The Disability Etiquette Training was valuable in helping the staff at Emergency Family Assistance Association (EFAA) identify areas for improvement and refine our approach to accessibility. One important takeaway was the emphasis on asking if someone needs help before offering assistance, which fosters respect and gives individuals more control. We’ve become more mindful of our language and interactions, particularly when working with participants and colleagues who have disabilities.

The training prompted us to reassess some aspects of accessibility in our office, such as offering surveys in larger fonts, improving signage, and reviewing the layout of our food bank. It also clarified distinctions around service animals and emotional support animals, which has been helpful in our day-to-day operations.

While we were already working toward inclusivity, this training has helped us focus on areas where we can continue making improvements. We look forward to ongoing discussions and actions to enhance accessibility at EFAA.”

DEI Task Force

Emergency Family Assistance Association (EFAA)

Apply to request free training!

CPWD can provide a limited number of trainings free of cost to partner organizations with aligned missions.

Ready to set-up your training? Follow the link below!