(Image: A woman in a wheelchair is given instruction about voting electronically by an elections worker.)
This election year in Colorado, there are two forms of accessible, electronic voting available. One form comes through your County Clerk, and the other is available on the State of Colorado’s webpage. We will describe each form and give instructions for how to access, complete, and submit your ballot.
Beginning October 11, 2024, Colorado’s accessible electronic ballot delivery, marking, and return system (AEBDRS), will be available. While the acronym may be weighty, the system is an accessible, convenient and secure way for voters with disabilities to cast their ballots. Here’s how it works:
Who is Eligible:
- Voters who are blind or have a visual impairment.
- Voters who have a perceptual or reading disability that cannot be improved to give visual function substantially equivalent to that of a person who has no such impairment or disability and so are unable to read or mark a ballot to substantially the same degree as a person without an impairment or disability.
- Voters who are otherwise unable, through physical disability, to hold, mark or manipulate a ballot or to focus or move the eyes to the extent that would be normally acceptable for reading or marking a ballot.
How it Works:
- Request an AEBDRS ballot: If you are eligible, you can request an AEBDRS ballot by contacting your County Clerk and Recorder’s office. Use this link to find the County Clerk in your county.
- Receive your ballot: You will receive a secure electronic ballot via email or a secure online portal.
- Mark your ballot: Use your preferred assistive technology to mark your ballot. The system provides a variety of accessibility features, including screen readers, magnification, and keyboard navigation.
- Return your ballot: You can return your ballot electronically by following the instructions provided. You may also print your ballot and return it by mail or in person.
Benefits of using AEBDRS:
- Independence: Voters can cast their ballots privately and independently from their own homes or other locations.
- Accessibility: The system is designed to be accessible to voters with a wide range of disabilities.
- Security: The system uses secure encryption to protect voter privacy.
If you are eligible to use AEBDRS and have any questions, please contact your County Clerk for more information.
You can also submit and electronic ballot online. You will need to provide and ID and verify that you have an eligible disability. Following are the steps to follow:
- Colorado State ID Photo: Before you begin, take a clear picture of your Colorado State ID with your smartphone or camera. Save it somewhere easily accessible on your device for later use. This step is only necessary if you plan to submit your ballot electronically.
Marking Your Ballot Electronically:
Colorado Secretary of State Elections and Voting Webpage
Accessing the Accessible Ballot System: Visit https://myballot.coloradosos.gov on your computer or smartphone. This website provides an accessible interface for voters with disabilities to mark their ballots electronically.
- Voter Verification: On the homepage, find the “Vote My Ballot” section and click the “CONTINUE” button. You’ll be directed to a Voter Lookup page. Here, enter your first and last name, date of birth, and the county where you’re registered to vote. Click “CONTINUE” again to proceed.
- Ballot Type Selection: You’ll see three radio buttons on the Ballot Type page. Choose the second option – “I am a voter with a disability and am requesting an accessible ballot.” Click “CONTINUE” to confirm.
- Eligibility Confirmation: This page asks you to confirm you qualify as a voter with a disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Check the box and click “CONTINUE.”
- Blind or Print-Disability Voter: The next page determines if you want to return your ballot electronically. If you’re blind, have a print disability, or are unable to physically manipulate a ballot, choose “Yes” and click “CONTINUE.” If you prefer to return your ballot by mail and have access to a printer, choose “No.”
- Voter Identification: Enter your driver’s license number, Colorado State ID number, or the last four digits of your Social Security number (you only need to provide one). Don’t include hyphens if entering your State ID number. Click “CONTINUE” to proceed.
- Marking Your Ballot: The system will display all the contests and questions on your ballot on a single page. Each candidate or position will have a corresponding checkbox. Use your space bar to select the candidates you prefer. Once finished, click “CONTINUE” to move to the Selection Review page.
- Reviewing Your Selections: Here, you can double-check your selections before finalizing your ballot. Each contest has a “Change” button allowing you to make adjustments. Once satisfied, click “CONTINUE” at the bottom of the page.
Saving or Printing Your Ballot:
- Saving or Printing: Choose “SAVE OR PRINT BALLOT.” If using a Windows computer and you prefer to save the ballot electronically (PDF format), ensure the selected printer is labeled “Save as PDF”. Instructions for saving as a PDF on non-Windows platforms will be provided.
- Downloading Additional Materials: After saving or printing your ballot, you’ll be prompted to download additional documents. These may include instructions and a ballot application form. Click “DOWNLOAD ADDITIONAL MATERIALS” (Windows users will be prompted to save a PDF).
Returning Your Ballot Electronically:
- Using the Secure Ballot Return Website: You can upload your saved ballot and documents later at https://ballotreturn.coloradosos.gov/form/accessible. This website allows secure electronic submission of your ballot.
Uploading Your Ballot and Documents:
- Uploading Documents: Navigate to the State of Colorado Secure Ballot Return page. You can upload your saved documents (ballot, application) and your Colorado State ID picture here. Don’t worry, you can complete this step even after marking your ballot online.
Three separate “Browse to Attach Files” links are available:
- The first link is for uploading your marked ballot
- The second link is for uploading the accessible ballot application form
- The third link is for uploading your Colorado State ID picture (or other authorized identification)
Important Note: These links cannot be accessed using the TAB key. If using a Windows screen reader, navigate the page with arrow keys or search for the word “browse.”
- Verifying Uploads: Once uploaded, the filenames will appear below the corresponding browse link. Double-check that all three files are uploaded successfully.
- Submitting Your Ballot: After verifying uploads, enter your name, phone number, and email address. This information allows your county to contact you if there are any issues with your ballot. Finally, click the “SUBMIT”
Watch the videos below for detailed step-by-step instructions:

The CPWD office with the transport bus out front, with a vote sign leaning against it.
While submitting your ballot online through the State does present some convenience and accessibility, it is also a process with a lot of steps, which can be overwhelming for some. If you feel unable to perform these steps, please do contact your County Clerk and ask for an AEBDRS ballot, or ask about accessible voting options.
CPWD will be hosting an onsite accessible early voting day at our Boulder Facility – 1675 Range Street, Boulder, CO 80301 – from 10AM to 4PM. Come by to place your vote, get assistance with voting, or ask questions and learn more. To find out more about this event, contact [email protected].
If you need additional assistance with any aspect of registering to vote or voting, please visit out Blog and check the recent articles that outline how-to on many of these subjects, or contact us to set up a time to talk to someone: [email protected].
Please make the effort to cast your vote. Without your vote, you are letting others decide what’s best for you. When we all bring our voice, we support democracy and choice.